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Hand grenade range

The Hand grenade range is situated in the centre of the MTA Lešť in particular on the left boundary of the Individual qualification range. Endangered zone is laid down by military regulation Del  1-20.
The Use
-     to carry out all types of exercises with hand grenades
-     to practise with all types of hand grenades used in the Armed Forces.
In the Hand grenade range there are shelters for troops and instructors with an impact zone as well as a distribution counter, an access lane for combat vehicles and earthworks for observers and pyrotechnics. There is a pole either with red or white flag near.
The boundary of the impact zone is marked with red pennant and warning signs as well as the area itself is divided in the training zone and the maintenance zone. Operator is responsible for usage of range.
Endangered area boundaries are plotted in the map 1: 25 000. In this map are marked guard positions for checking the range´s boundaries according to military regulation Del. 1-20.

Unauthorized ammunition is strictly forbidden !
Only ammunition with impact within the free-fire zone is allowed!!!



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